Tagged: Morgan Freeman


Now You See Me 2 (2016)

The makers of the deliberately vapid and highly superfluous Now You See Me 2 have chosen to fully embrace the dumbness of its premise, going full bore into just trying to make it ridiculous to the...


The LEGO Movie (2014)

If I could get the featured earworm ditty, “Everything is Awesome” to stop cycling incessantly in my head, I’d be able to put my imaginative mind to better use at this moment.  Reviews don’t...


Last Vegas (2013)

About once every couple of months, we can count on a release that pits together a group of likeable, veteran actors for a romp in which we can see them in a fun, frivolous...


The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

Years ago, I had claimed that, despite its faults, X-Men: The Last Stand was the best third film in a superhero series to date, which goes more to show how ideas seem to dissipate once the...


The Dark Knight (2008)

It’s difficult to believe that, with all of the superhero franchises that have come out prior to 2008, the creative minds didn’t employ the strategy of saving the most popular and interesting villain for...


Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991)

Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves is a more modern telling of the Robin Hood legend, with the 1990s penchant for dark tones, excessive violence, rampant innuendo, and a campy, juvenile attitude toward adventure.  A huge...


10 Items or Less (2006)

10 Items or Less is the “express lane” of filmdom; it looks like a quick and easy proposition, but once you’re in line, it almost invariably takes just as long for getting so little....


Kiss the Girls (1997)

Kiss the Girls is a film based on the James Patterson bestseller, slickly directed by Gary Fleder (Impostor, Runaway Jury), and relatively engaging until about the final third of the film.  Like so many mystery-thrillers, there...


Unforgiven (1992)

Unforgiven is one of the rare films where I agree with the Academy Award voters, who proclaimed it the Best Picture of 1992.  It ranks among the best Westerns of all time, almost a...