Ginger and Cinnamon (2003) / Comedy-Romance
aka Dillo con Parole Mie

MPAA Rated: Not rated, but would be R for language, brief nudity and sexuality
Running Time: 109 min.

Cast: Stefania Montorsi, Martina Merlino, Giampaolo Morelli, Alberto Cucca
Director: Daniele Luchetti
Screenplay: Stefania Montorsi, Daniele Luchetti, Ivan Cotroneo

Review published August 31, 2005

After never seeing eye to eye with her longtime boyfriend Andrea (Morelli, L'Uomo Perfetto), 30 year-old Stefania (Montorsi, Little Teachers) breaks up with him.  Shortly after, she is given charge of her precocious 14 year-old niece Martina (Merlino) , aka Meggy, who manipulates her way into a cruise to the Greek resort island of Ios, known for lots of hedonistic singles action.  Meggy is determined to lose her virginity, which Stefi definitely disapproves of, but the young girl is headstrong and resolute, and nothing is going to stop her.  As fate would have it, Andrea also happens to be on the island at the same time, and unbeknownst to Meggy, he is also the man she develops a crush on and hopes to lose her innocence to. 

Ginger and Cinnamon is a light romantic comedy that definitely benefits from exotic locale work and the good-looking cast of actors.  It is a fun and breezy film, refreshing because it sidesteps crassness in making this a fun-filled sex romp.  With the exception of a beach scene where some sunbathers are topless, it is a rather chaste film, so if you've picked this out to watch in your pervy pursuits, you're going to come out empty-handed (so to speak).

With the exception of a few romantic comedy contrivances, Ginger and Cinnamon is smooth sailing throughout, with funny performances, a very appealing cast, and some witty insights into the nature of relationships, life, and love.  It is somewhat predictable, but there is comfort in the familiarity that makes it still easy to enjoy, although the ending does come completely out of nowhere (it is charming, nonetheless).

Ginger and Cinnamon is recommended primarily for lovers of modern Italian films, light romantic comedies, and armchair tourists interested in beautiful Mediterranean locales.  It's a fun and light little crowd pleaser that will probably leave you smiling when it's over.

Qwipster's rating:

©2005 Vince Leo